Car mood, “false fault” (1)

The rear exhaust pipe is dripping

It is believed that many owners have encountered dripping water in the exhaust pipe after normal driving, and the owners can not help but panic when they see this situation, worrying about whether they have added gasoline containing excessive water, which is both fuel consumption and damage to the car. This is an alarmism. The phenomenon of dripping water in the exhaust pipe is not a fault, but a normal and good phenomenon, because when the gasoline is burned fully during the driving process, the fully burned gasoline will generate water and carbon dioxide. When the driving is over, the water vapor will pass through the exhaust pipe and condense into water droplets, which will drip down the exhaust pipe. So this situation is nothing to worry about.

There is a "bang" in reverse gear

With a manual transmission car, I believe many friends have encountered such a situation, sometimes hang reverse gear step on the clutch can not hang up, sometimes it is good to hang. Sometimes a little force can be hung in, but it will be accompanied by a "bang" sound. Don't worry, this is a normal phenomenon! Because the general manual transmission reverse gear is not equipped with the forward gear has the synchronizer, and the reverse gear tooth front is not tapered. This results in the ring hanging into reverse gear "by pure luck". Fortunately, the teeth of the ring and the teeth of the reverse gear in one position, it is easy to hang. A little bit, you can hang in hard, but there will be a sound, too much, you can't hang in. In the case of not hanging in, it is recommended to first hang into the forward gear to move the car, and then step on the clutch, hang the reverse gear, absolutely can not worry, with "violence" to solve.

Post time: Apr-15-2024