Brake pads are in India

Global Auto Parts Group Co., Ltd. supplies brake pads all over the world. If you need any brake pads and discs, you’ve come to the right place! Thanks to our extensive experience in the field of brake pads, with the assistance of our professional team, Global Auto Parts Group Co., Ltd. is engaged in the supply of a wide range of brake pads and discs. Global Auto Parts Group Co., Ltd. is one of China’s top quality suppliers and brake pad manufacturers.

Products with stable friction coefficient and maximum wear rate value to meet different models, speed, load and traffic needs, for China, Japan, Germany auto parts supporting and production services. More importantly, the products sold in the United States comply with AMECA and NSF standards; Products sold in Europe are also e-11 (e-mark) compliant.

Brake pads are in India

Post time: May-23-2024