Brake fluid replacement cycle

Normally, the replacement cycle of brake oil is 2 years or 40,000 kilometers, but in actual use, we still have to check regularly according to the actual use of the environment to see whether the brake oil occurs oxidation, deterioration, etc.

The consequences of not changing the brake oil for a long time

Although the replacement cycle of brake oil is relatively long, if the brake oil is not replaced in time, the brake oil will be cloudy, the boiling point will drop, the effect will become worse, and the whole brake system will be damaged for a long time (maintenance costs can be as high as thousands of yuan), and even lead to brake failure! Don't be penny-wise and pound foolish!

Because the brake oil will absorb water in the air, (each time the brake operation, a brake will be loose, air molecules will be mixed into the brake oil, and the best quality brake oil has hydrophilic characteristics, so it is relatively normal to encounter this situation over a long period of time.) The occurrence of oxidation, deterioration and other phenomena, easy to lead to the deterioration of the brake oil expired, the use of poor effect.

Therefore, the timely replacement of brake oil is related to driving safety, and can not be careless. Brake oil should at least be replaced according to the actual situation; Of course, it is best to replace them regularly and preventatively.

Post time: Mar-25-2024